To lose ourselves when we become, “mom.”
We pour so much time, energy, our entire being into these sweet little humans.
We make it through pure exhaustion. Where you just have no idea where you’ll even find the energy, to make it through...another hour.
Moms who work a full time job, trusting their children in the hands of another provider. Knowing that some of the largest milestones you won’t EVER witness for the first time. Giving 1000% to everyone and everything at your job. And when it’s time to finally just go home...you’re left with NOTHING left to give. I feel you.
Stay at home moms, who haven’t done a single thing for themselves in years. Their hairs a mess, they haven’t gotten their nails done in god knows how long, so painfully exhausted but don't ever ask for help because you don’t ever want to be deemed “ungrateful..” I see you.
Work from home moms, diligently building their family legacy. Showing up day in and day out for their home business, crying baby on their hip, toddlers fighting in the living room over spilt Cheerios, feeling guilty for sitting on the couch, phone in hand, thinking...when I have “x amount of money” I’ll finally be able to do “x...” I hear you.
We cannot pour from an empty cup.
We cannot be the best for our kids if we aren’t making the time to be the best for ourselves.
Schedule some time each week to get away from your kids and do something that makes YOU feel good.
Don’t ever let ANYONE tell you “you’re selfish” for doing something for you. Don’t ever carry that guilt for not being the woman society wants you to be.
You are BETTER THAN THAT. YOU DESERVE more than that.
And to all my mommas who feel trapped. Like there is no way out...who are manipulated every single day, told they’ll never be enough, they can’t be successful. Told they aren’t smart, pretty, or good enough. Told that NO ONE will ever want them or love them.
It is time that WE as mothers, start leading a life of fulfillment. A life of TRUE PASSION. A life of PURPOSE.
Choose to live in abundance, wealth and gratitude. xxAshley Maas
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